Pardes = orchard, grove,
Origin of the word paradise
The term paradise derives from old Persian pairi [around] daeza [wall brick or shape]. Composed in one word it means walled- in garden or compound. It was introduced in European languages through Greek when Xenophon translated it to paradeisos. The Persian tradition of building enclosed gardens with rectangular water basin and odorous plants stems from the royal Achmenide tradition of the enclosed hunting grounds of lions which was a ritual practice enforcing their divine –royal authority. Later the paradisian garden tradition was expanded to Moghul India (Taj Mahal) and under Islam in the Middle Eastern until Andalusia (Alhambra ,Granada) and later to Europe. The Hebrew word pardes, derives from Greek or Persian and means garden, grove or orchard.
Ecclesiastes 2.5 “I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits”
This is a photograph of our backyard Pardes with its water feature and greenery.